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Summercamp 2024 results and highlights

The dust has settled from the 2024 Rapid Arnis summercamp and now it's time to congratulate our latest set of graduates and enjoy some highlights reels! A huge thanks - as always - to Impact Gym for hosting us, and the instructor panel for their expert guidance.

Congratulations to the following on their successful gradings and promotions:-

Jakub Turanyi - 2nd Degree Sr Instructor

Karen Fowler - Black

Daniel Gregory - Brown 1

Matt Radford - Brown 1

Derrick Harriott - Brown 1

Mark Kay - Brown 1

Clement Rispal - Brown 1

Peter Pokoradi - Brown 1

Rob Jones - Brown 1

Tristan Canning - Blue 1

Austeja Stasiulyte - Blue 1

Robert Donnelly - Blue 1

Megan Ponomarenko - Blue 1


Pat O'Malley

Andrew Janson

Paul Murray

Kam Dhiman

James Dismore

Paul Starrs

Lennart Wallgren

Jakub Turanyi

Workshop highlights:


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